سیرۃ النبی ﷺ میں بے روزگاری سے متعلق رہنمائی


  • Arshad Aziz


Holy Prophet, Capitalism


Unemployment is a situation in which mostly people are desire and able to do work, but unfortunately jobs are not present in their country according to their qualifications. Its types are frictional, structural, cyclical, seasonal and long term unemployment. Its reasons are wars, Capitalism, industrial and seasonal changes and decrease of effective demand and capital. Its damages are international conflicts and disappointment in society. Classical economists said that general unemployment did not occur. Kane was the first economist who said that logically unemployment is possible.

According to Seerat-e- Tiyaba Allah gave money to his prophet. After migration to Medina, Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad  solved the problem of unemployment through  brother hood .In a long sayings of Holy Prophet he said his companion to work with hands. He appreciated trade and hard work. He condemned begging. He created a job for prisoners after the battle of Badar. Unemployed person can start their own business through the aid of Zakat and sadaqat.

Unemployment is involve in errors of Capitalism. Capitalism based on interest. Holy Prophet said that interest is a great sin. Interest destroy the society.Unemployment is the social problem of our country. Our Government can get guideline from teachings of Holy Prophet)PBUH) to solve this problem.

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