الإستغلال المفرط للموارد الطبیعیۃ الرئیسیۃ فی باکستان

Excessive exploitation of major natural resources in Pakista


  • محمد سلیمان stodant


Natural resources, usage, dirt food items,forests,agriculture, immoderation


Pakistan is an independent Islamic country in South Asia.it ranks fifthe among the five largest countries in the world in terms of population.The number of people living in Pakistan is about 242 million.it ranks second among Muslim countries in this regard.

The total area of Pakistan is  881,913 square kilometers,and square mile,wich makes it 33rd in ranking in the world .Pakistan is rich in natural resoursces .For this reason ,Pakistan is on the path of development .Pakistan has a lot of natural resurces,like fertile lands,minerals,water ,forests,etc,which enist everywhere in the country .In Pakistan important food items like weat,barley,sugarnce etc are cultivafed  but the sad thing is Pakistan is facing many problems is the exploitation of natural resources  and their immoderate use for example .large scale illegal cutting of forests ,misuse of water etc. just as the benefits of these natural resources are many and their existence is necessary for the creatures in the same way, the abosence of natural resources is also extremely harmful for them .Now to protect these natural resources ,it is important to avoid immoderation in their use for example ,deforestation should be stopped more trees should be wasteful use of water should be avoided Similarly   entravagance in all natural resources should be avoided .

