ڈاکٹر محمد حمید اللہ کے اسالیب دعوت اورمغربی دنیا پر اس کے اثرات :ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ


  • عبدالوحیدشہزاد iiui


Muhammad Hamidullah


Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah was a renowned researcher of the twentieth century who spent his life researching and writing Islamic sciences and informed the French residents of its universal message in their language. He made the teachings of Islam known to the common people through his words, deeds, and pen. His mastery of 9 languages ​​was a great asset in the field of Da'wah. The focus of all his activities was the pleasure of Allah. The most important feature of his characteristics was that he presented his invitation through action, as a result of which thousands of men and women accepted Islam. You clarified the truth of Islam through your pen and gave a scholarly and rational answer to the objections raised against it. The effectiveness of his invitation brought people closer to Islam. What methods did Dr. Sahib use in Dawat Deen? What was the method of satisfying the audience about the teachings of Islam?How can Da'i Allah use these methods in the present age for Da'wah to Allah? These questions will be answered in detail in this pape


