Introduction to the feudalism and it's comparison with Islam
Social system, Political scienceAbstract
Feudalism is a social system that developed in Europe in 8th century; vassals were protected by lords who they had to serve in war.There were three classes of Feudalism.The church who was praying,the princes who were fighting and the people who were working.In feudalism there were three kinds of farmers :bordars,cotters,villeins.Agricultural slavery is highlights of this system.In this system farmers treated as slaves by feudal lord.The ownership of land was the base of power.The church had no God’slaw.The church was supporting Feudalism.The farmer was target of Feudalism and church.The farmer was obliged to give valuable gifts.
The causes of decline of Fuedalism were crusades, dominance of moneylenders, hostile attitude of the kings and development of transportation resources.It was a simple system.This system was composed on cruelity, dictatorship; class system and economic backwardness.These are also the demerits of this system.
Islam is opposite to Fuedalism.According to Islam owner of land is Allah.Man is using this land as a trust.There is not present any concept of agricultural slavery in Islam.The relation of fuedal lord and farmer is the relation of agreement and assistant.Mutual agreement and farmings are legitimate cases of matter in Islam.Islam establishes justice and ends cruelity in this matter.
Unfortunately Fuedalism has finished in Europe but this system exists in some Islamic countries of modern era.Fuedal lords are behaving with farmers like slaves.They can torture them.They can leave the dogs on their families.They can spoil their honour.This way of farming is not Islamic.Islamic farming is not present in any country of the world.The second misconception is supposition of " Iqta"as a feudalism. Islamic farming may be continue on the basis of Iqta, mutual cooperation and cultivation.
So this article will help us to understand Fuedalism, its merits and demerits. This article will present the Islamic system of farming.In modern age we can establish the Islamic system of farming in Islamic countries.We can make awareness for the peoples of Islamic countries.We can save Muslims from agricultural slavery and cruelities of feudal lord