A View on the Islamic perspective on pandemics


  • Mufti Abdul waheed


Islamic Guide, Pandemics, COVID 19


        In Islamic perspectiveand illnesses are, indeed, sent onto man from Allah. Islam had provided certain education on safeguarding one's health. Moreover, it has advised to refrain from all those things which might cause harm to our health.

Among various illnesses and diseases, plague also known as Black death, is the most fatal. It has caused more deaths than any other epidemic or pandemic. In the present times, the plague, Corona Virus, has become a global pandemic due to which the entire system of the world has come to a state of idleness and people are locked up in their houses observing quarantine.

       In such circumstances, how can Islam be a guide? Are the precautionary measures against relying upon Allah? In this article, this issue has been elaborated in detail.

COVID19 is a global pandemic. The vaccine to cure it isn't developed, it is mandatory to act upon the precautions indicated by the health expertsand along with this it is important to seek Allah's refuge as well

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