دینی مدارس کے نصاب اور نظام تعلیم سے متعلق بنیادی اعتراضات کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ


  • Dr Habib ur Rehman


Madaris, curriculum, system, impugn


Religious education centers are nowadays under global debate in perspective of their curriculum, system of education and other activities. Western institutes including print and electronic media, research institutes and think tanks, and NGOs raising doubts and serious questions on system of education of religious educational institutes and exceptional expanse of augmentation has been seen in discussions regarding this issue in western media. These thoughts specify on the process of transforming curriculum of religious educational institutes and making them harmonious with contemporary needs. In order to achieve these intentions, it is sometimes recommended that government level initiatives should be taken and also involvement of foreign world. The factual status of these objections on the curriculum and system of education of religious educational institutes will be evaluated in this research study.

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