حلال وحرام جانوروں کی تعیین میں معاصر اختلافی آراء کا قرآن وسنت کی روشنی میں تحقیقی جائزہ

Contemporary Views on Halal and Haram Animals: Insights from the Qur'an and Sunnah


  • اسداللہ Riphah International University: Home -Islamabad


Halal, Haram, , Contemporary Views, Animals


Islam provides clear guidance on purity and dietary laws, allowing wholesome food and forbidding harmful substances. Some animals are explicitly mentioned as forbidden in the Qur’an and Hadith, such as pork and carrion. However, there are animals whose permissibility is not directly addressed in these primary sources. In such cases, scholars rely on ijtihad (independent reasoning) to determine whether these animals are lawful (halal) or prohibited (haram).


This research focuses on the differences among scholars regarding the permissibility of certain disputed animals. Differences arise due to varying interpretations of religious texts, cultural contexts, and methods of reasoning used by scholars from different schools of thought. A comparative study of these opinions helps shed light on the reasoning behind each view, offering clarity on which animals may be considered lawful or prohibited in Islam. Ultimately, this research hopes to contribute to a better understanding of the diversity of opinions regarding animal consumption and offer practical guidance for Muslims seeking to follow Islamic dietary rules in contemporary contexts

