وراثت میں خواتین کا حصہ : یہودیت ، عیسائیت اور اسلامی قانونِ وراثت کا ایک تقابلی جاِئزہ


  • توقیر احمد


Christianity Judaism, Islam Women's, Inheritance Rights, Property,


    One of the fundamental sources of property’s transmission and distribution is inheritance. It is deeply established in various societies and religious beliefs, particularly in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This research aims to conduct a comparative analysis of inheritance laws across revealed religions, with a particular focus on women's property rights. The study investigates women's property rights and heir entitlements within Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, exploring the differences in distribution patterns in each of these religions. Special attention is given to addressing criticisms regarding women's inheritance rights in Islam, as raised by some Western researchers. By examining primary religious texts (Quran, Sunnah, and the Bible) and current laws that are in effect in the Christian and Muslim worlds

    This research seeks to shed light on the diversity of inheritance practices concerning gender equity in inheritance laws, especially within the Islamic context. The methodology involves a systematic review of religious scriptures, legal documents, and scholarly interpretations to provide a comprehensive understanding of inheritance practices and the position of women across these three religions.

