مارکیٹنگ میں پروڈکٹ کی ترویج کے لئے تحائف دینے کا فقہی جائزہ


  • Ata ur rahman Lecturer Islamic Studies Govt Post Graduate College Khar
  • Prof. Dr. Mohyuddin Hashmi


Gifts, Product, Marketing, Jurisprudetial Review, Promotion. تحائف، پروڈکٹ، مارکیٹنگ، فقہی جائزہ، ترویج۔


The basic emphasis of marketing is to confirm the availability of product for the customer at exact place, right moment and reasonable price. Promotional tools (e.g. advertising, gifts, contests and discounts) are acknowledged as one of the basic component of marketing to aware consumers about products and services which eventually contribute to the economic growth and development of a society.

There is a need to develop general rules for attaining marketing goals and corporate objectives in morally suitable means. Ethical behavior in promotional activities must be founded on solid basis of Islamic principles and injunctions.

The emphasis of this study is to assemble and implement the Islamic point of view about the promotional ethics related to promotional gifts by pointing out the unlawful promotion tactics with suitable recommendations based on fiqhi opinions.

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