The قصة موسى عليه السلام بين القرآن والتوراة


  • Dr. Lubna Farah NUML
  • Raheem Ullah NUML




The main aim of this paper is twofold. On the one hand it analyses Qur’an presentation of the stories, on the other hand it examines the presentation in other holy books.
The story of Moses and Pharaoh amalgamated with prevalence and uprising in many Surahs of Quran: as we find some repletion in particular, and we find new episodes which caries new meanings. Like in Al-Qasas (Stories), Al baqra (Cow) and Younis. In Ibrahim and al Maida, yet Al-Qasas depicts his pride and inebriation of limitless abundance which was trailed by him failing to remember God and generosity with others. In holy Quran we find its focuses on lessons and detailed aspect that deviates from the goal, while the Torah tells the story from the detailed historical side. The Qur’an showed the divine honor to Moses and the repeated insult to him in the texts of the Torah. The Qur’an mentioned Moses one hundred and thirty-six times, the name of Pharaoh was mentioned seventy-four times in the Qur’an. Many of the Moses traditions in the Bible have counterparts in the Qur’an, but they are usually told in a way that reflects Islamic theology and beliefs e.g. about Moses’ birth (28:3-13), the Qur’an has the same story about a newborn who is raised in Pharaoh’s household after his mother puts him in the river, but there’s an interesting twist. This is in marked contrast to the biblical story, where God isn’t mentioned a single time.
The Qur’an did not narrate the story from the Bible, rather, it narrated the story as it occurred, and corrected some of the incorrect aspects that were mentioned in the Torah.
The topic has been chosen to show the many facts about Moses as presented in the Qur’an and they are contradicted with Torah.

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